Thursday, September 28, 2006

SI DC conference: Peter Wilson chairs panel on DCI compliance

Talks about whether DCI specifications would work in a "fair" way for Europe. He gives background to DCI, SMPTE and Fraunhofer. One bullet point reads: "Are you willing to pay for the DCI compliance police and if so, how much?". This should be an interesting panel.

Etienne: we don't want a two speed cinema in France, so CST will probably use the DCI specification.

Sven Andersen, gives overview of discussions underway in Germany. Exhibitors have hit the breaks on deployment, wanting distributors to pay for it all. German screens can't afford 'DCI screens', at least at €80,000 each. Maybe they would go for a sub-set of DCI.

Rickard Gramfors: shares the Swedish experience, ending with an impassioned plea not to let Internet piracy destroy a whole generation when it comes to forming the habit of going to the cinema.

Dave Monk: Can you afford NOT be DCI compliant. Rickard points out that there has been no leakage from their digital network. Kevin Wakeford asks "what is affordable?". Sven says €30K-40K is discussed in Germany. Rickard says that they rent from XDC, so similar price point to that. Etienne says it should be same as 35mm projector.

Conclusion: small exhibitors would like to be DCI-compliant but can't afford it.


Anonymous said...

surprised you didnt mention the excellent 3-D demonstration warly that morning!!!

Patrick von S said...

If I had known about it I would have, but the rganisers did a bit of a hash of letting people know that it had moved. Severla people were very upset to have missed it. - PvS