Friday, December 22, 2006

Looking back on the year past - and ahead

Much like the Japanese man who survived 24 days in a mountain forest, Deluxe goes into a state of semi-hibernation over the holidays. Cinemas will still be showing Deluxe mastered and distributed digital films, not just in US but across the world, throughout Christmas and New Year. A small dedicated team of Santa's Little Helpers will still be manning their posts at Deluxe's Hollywood HQ. The call-centre will still be operating 24/7. But there will be well deserved rest too for my colleagues who have worked so hard this year.

Modesty prevents me from crowing about the achievements of my US colleagues. But having started from practically nothing in March, they have now surpassed everyone else in the
digital cinema mastering and distribution field. Hopefully the statistics will be published next year to show by just how much, but hats off to them for now anyway. This had little to do with technology and everything to do with all the terrific people that Deluxe has assembled. All of them deserve a special mention, but I will just single out Jim Whittlesey, the Isambard Kingdom Brunel of digital cinema.

Our achievements in UK/Europe have been more modest by comparison, but achievements they are nonetheless. We distributed the first Hollywood feature in JPEG2000 i Europe (Ice Age 2 in Denmark in April) and the DCP of 'Casino Royale' playing in Japan right now was made here in London, in the very room that I'm typing this from. We have even distributed films to the UK Film Council's DSN ('Life & Lyrics'). But for most of the year we have been gearing up for the big launch next year, when we expect the DSN to open up and for significant digital cinema installations to appear all over Europe.

I look forward to seeing you all and working together with many of you in 2007. Digital cinema is and remains a team effort, not just within Deluxe but for all of us.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and a Great New Year to all of you.

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